Thursday, March 6, 2008

Secrets of My Current Gig

Okay, so, um, actually I can’t tell you. Because they’re secrets.

What I *can* tell you is that I’m over at Molecular doing work on one of their big projects for a big name company. What I can’t tell you is who that company is and what the project entails…yet. It’s coming soon.

Quick aside: For some reason, I often confuse the acronym NDA with DNR. The two are quite dissimilar. At some point, I need to figure out a way to get these straight. In the workplace this mistake just draws puzzled expressions. In a hospital, it could KILL ME.

Back to the project. The seeeecret project. I’ll be honest, I was kind of hoping that it involved international espionage and that they’d recognize my inherent super-spy skills and transfer me from content strategy to James Bond/Sydney Bristow-style secret agent training. This turned out not to be so. Instead, I’m working on a very cool new application for a very cool consumer brand. Intrigued? Stay tuned…

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